What Is A Miracle?

A miracle is a divine intervention in the natural world that produces an event that would not have resulted from purely natural causes. Miracles are not anomalies, things that are unusual but have an unknown natural cause, nor are they providences, which are unusual events and timing that have a known natural cause. Miracles do not occur as the result of magic. Magic has a hidden or secret natural cause. Miracles are not satanic. No miracle is the result of the activity of evil Spirits. When a miracle occurs, it should be immediate, not gradual.

There are no gradual miracles in the Bible; there is one two-stage miracle, but each stage was instantaneous (Mk 8:22-26). The two stages were an audio-visual illustration of Israel’s two-stage enlightenment. So, If it is gradual, it is not a miracle. If it is a miracle, it is not gradual.

Multiple miracles should occur (which adds confirmation). The Bible contains some 250 miracles, and the Gospels record over 60.

Many miracles were multiple healings

Some of Jesus’ miracles are:

Unique Nature of Jesus Miracles

Jesus’s miracles were clearly violations of natural law. He cured incurable diseases, raised the dead, and gave sight to one born blind. These miracles were done in very public places where people could evaluate their authenticity. Many were done before large crowds, and some predicted events in advance. Some contemporary professional magicians admit that, in their original context, these could not be magic tricks.

When a miracle occurs, in some way, it should be connected with a claim of truth in the name of God.

God used miracles to confirm the Apostles message:

God used miracles to confirm Jesus as the Messiah:

They should be from a reliable source and if there is a predictive element it adds credibility to the claim that a miracle has occurred.