The following list has been provided to prevent any confusion about what is meant by the term cult or New Religious Movement (NRM). Cults are known for both theological error and sociological harm. The following ten traits are characteristic of a cult. Every cult will have one or more of these characteristics. Some cults have all ten. Even one is too many. Examine your current setting and ask if the following sounds like something you are experiencing.
- Cults reject orthodox Biblical teaching. Instead, they promote previously unknown revelations or special doctrines found outside Scripture.
- The leader is the ultimate authority, seen as nearly infallible. They require unquestioning faith and allegiance.
- The group suppresses skepticism and opposes critical thinking. It withholds or distorts information while minimizing access to non-cult sources of information. Information primarily consists of cult-generated propaganda. Their doctrine is truth, and many buzzwords are employed, stopping critical thought.
- Former members are isolated or shunned. They are viewed as defective or evil and pay a steep cost for leaving. Often, they lose family members forever and are told they have lost their salvation.
- The group is taught the outside world is evil and dangerous. Often, members are separated from pre-cult family and faith contacts. An us versus them mentality exists. We are good; they are bad.
- Intimidation, fear, shame, and isolation are used as control mechanisms. The group relies on “shame” tactics to maintain conformity. The group has extensive control of the individual members dictating what activities and behaviors are acceptable. There are rigid rules and regulations. Problems are always their own fault, never the leader’s or the group’s fault.
- The group holds the truth exclusively, and there is zero tolerance for interaction with those outside the group. Only they are saved, only they are holy, and only they can solve the problems of the world.
- The leadership lacks boundaries and seeks control of member finances. There is no financial transparency. “Donations” are coerced or manipulated.
- The family unit is degraded and compromised.
- The leadership may transgress personal boundaries in the areas of sex and/or finances.