Unity Church- The Unity Church, founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in the late 19th century, is a New Thought Christian denomination emphasizing spiritual healing, positive thinking, and the power of affirmations. While the Unity Church espouses principles of love, peace, and personal transformation, it has been labeled as cultish by some critics due to its unconventional teachings and practices. One key point of contention is the Unity Church’s emphasis on metaphysical interpretations of scripture, which depart from traditional Christian theology. Additionally, the Unity Church promotes the use of affirmative prayer and visualization techniques for healing and prosperity, which some view as promoting a form of magical thinking. Critics have also raised concerns about the hierarchical structure within the Unity Church and the influence of its leaders over members’ lives. However, it’s worth noting that many adherents of the Unity Church reject the label of cult and see it as a legitimate spiritual community promoting personal growth and inner peace.