Theological outline of the COGR
- Restoration Of the Apostolic Faith
- God has gathered 12 end-time apostles.
- The process ostensibly began with D. S. Warner
- Years later, Daniel Layne was proclaimed as his heir.
- He adopted the seventh trumpet theology.
- He trained the current apostles.
- He had been delivered from heroin and sexual immorality.
- He never married and was reported to suffer from a psychological ailment.
- He was said to be the fourth angel in the book of Revelation.
- He was the one who told his disciples to hold back the winds for a while.
- Ray Tinsman was Daniel Layne’s chief student.
- At Daniel Layne’s passing, Ray Tinsman inherited his mantle.
- Under Ray, the prophetic was magnified, and soon there were 12 end-time Apostles. Prophetic dates were rearranged, and his reign began. Ray is said to be Emanuel, the judge of the world, the governor of the world, and Jesus in the flesh.
- God has established his throne on earth.
- The apostles sit on 12 messianic thrones. The end-time apostles are greater than the apostles of the morning time.
- The apostles are the rulers and the judges of the world. In the end they will harvest the world for God.
- The three primary apostles are God’s trinity on earth.
- The remaining nine apostles are subsumed in the three. It is in the three that they have their wholeness.
- The church is subsumed into the 12.
- The world may enter the three through the 12 portals of the 12.
- In the end, the entire world will stream into the one true church governed by the 12.
- The Apostles possess the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
- To touch an apostle is to have touched Jesus.
- The apostles speak with the authority of God.
- The apostle may remove somebody’s salvation.
- To be saved, a person must come to the apostle.
- Though they have not yet done so, an apostle can write Scripture.
- The structure of the church is Episcopalian.
- Ray Tinsman is the equivalent of the Pope.
- Stephan Hargrave and Randy Hargrave are second and third in authority.
- The remaining nine apostles have a hierarchy, but it is seldom mentioned.
- The apostles are the unchallenged rulers. However, it is also clear that all thought and theology comes through it is approved of by the three. There is no independent thought tolerated.
- The laity has no say. They are to submit wholeheartedly to the three.
- The centrality of Revelation
- Surprisingly much of their theology would be claimed to be orthodox. They would recognize the Trinity, salvation through Jesus alone, the primacy of Scripture, the existence of evil, and the need for a Savior. However, their overemphasis on the book of Revelation, and their aberrant interpretation of it skews a lot of what they claim to be orthodox.
- In their interpretation of Revelation the Angels become current or recent leaders.
- Daniel Layne becomes the fourth angel of Revelation and he commands for other angels to hold back the winds.
- Ray Tinsman, Stephen Hargrave, Randy Hargrave, and Jerry Tinsman (now deceased) were said to be the four angels Daniel Layne commanded to hold back the winds.
- Ray Tinsman is the angel of Revelation 10:1 and makes his appearance in the first chapter and throughout until the end. It is Ray who shares with the apostle John the information in the book of Revelation. An alternative understanding is that the entire seventh trumpet ministry is the angel, but more commonly the angel is localized around Ray.
- The book of Revelation is interpreted in a historicist fashion. The events begin immediately with the persecution of the church and proceeds through history until this time, which is the very end of time. We are late in that last period.
- The first four beasts are understood to be past tense and were described by Daniel in his visions.
- The fifth beast is a combination of Judaism and paganism and immediately assaulted the new church.
- The sixth beast is understood to be the Roman Catholic Church. This church was evil and oppressed the people of God. The group has some sympathy for the Episcopal government of the Catholic Church. They believe the Catholic Church structure is correct they just have the wrong person sitting on the throne.
- The seventh beast is the Protestant church. This is the church of division and schism. It is full of evil and division. It is a continuation of the Catholic Church and is no better. In fact, it is worse.
- The eighth beast is a hybrid of all the beasts that came before it. It currently is assaulting the world and the church.
- The COGR sees the kings of the earth as being the business leaders and political leaders of the day. It is these people that will ultimately be warred against.
- There is a belief that all the nations are going to stream into the COGR in the very near future. Ray in particular, and the other apostles will be the governors of the whole world. All resources, money, and power will flow to the COGR.
- Greenville, Ohio, is the location of the New Jerusalem, and it is the center of this new world.
- When all power and wealth has flowed into the church it will be time for the judgment of the world. The apostles will oversee God’s judgment on the earth and the people of the church will carry out there judgment.
- Church life
- The ministry is privileged. The leadership has no oversight and lives above the people. While encouraging people to sell their homes, downsize and give the rest to the church, Ray builds a large and expensive house and develops his ranch. The apostles utilize some of the young people graduating from school as household servants and chauffeurs.
- Those in close relationship with the Apostles have freedoms not available to others.
- Most individuals are heavily regulated and feel obliged to ask permission for most small activities that they engage in.
- No dissension is tolerated. Members often feel that they should spy on one another.
- Children, in some way, are seen to belong to the church and not their parents.
- There is no dating, and finding a spouse requires the approval of the leadership.
- Since the inception of the group, there has been a standard that has been demanded of the people. To fail to meet that standard was to lose your salvation. Danny Layne once said that if Ray Tinsman moved away from the standard he should not be followed. Currently, they are moving away from the standard.
- The church meets with each family requesting all their financial information. This includes salary savings, land, etc. The families are advised that Jesus is returning soon, and they have no need for their excess. Each family should tie heavily, sign their businesses over to the church, donate their savings, and give over property and inheritance rights to the church.
- Local churches are responsible to seek guidance from Greenville Ohio regarding what they do with their businesses, and what properties their parishioners might purchase. Demands are made on the local churches to donate or give large sums of money to the Greenville church.
- The church pries into the personal lives of its families. If a husband or wife is felt to be less than enthusiastic about the group and its direction, they will begin to drive a wedge between the couple. Ultimately, they will encourage the believing spouse to separate from the lukewarm or unbelieving spouse. The leadership may cast out the person they believe to be a problem. Church members are responsible for shunning that person. The church will make it as difficult as possible for non-member parents to have contact with their children. This includes poisoning the minds of the children against the parent.
- Overall, this is an incredibly high control group.