
Value of Life

Euthanasia Horrifying Truth Behind Maid

European court upholds Hungary’s ban on assisted suicide | World News


Pledge to ‘do no harm’ and say no to physician-assisted suicide

Regulating Medical Assistance in Dying: A Comparison of the U.S. and Canada

The Government of Canada introduces legislation to delay Medical Assistance in Dying expansion by 3 years

Canada to delay assisted death solely on mental illness until 2027

Prior to 6/11/2024

Involuntary Sterilization

INHUMAN: NYT Props Up Mass Elderly Suicide Idea to Solve Japan’s Aging Population

Canadian bioethicists: ‘Poverty justifies euthanasia’

Medics in Canada tell bed-ridden man to opt for assisted suicide or face huge medical bills

Quebec expands euthanasia regime

Dignitas tells MPs: ‘Mentally ill should be allowed to opt for assisted suicide’

Canada is pushing the vulnerable down a ‘euthanasia death funnel’

Canada Grants “Medical Assistance in Dying” to Woman With Autism

Canadian doctor who euthanised over 400 people boasts about man unable to consent

Funeral home offers assisted suicide services for $700

Canada considers assisted suicide for children

Canada’s Suicidal Slide

How Both “Death With Dignity” and Nazi Propaganda Redefine Compassion

Organ Donation and “Presumed Consent”

Times readers slam columnist Parris for pressuring elderly and infirm to kill themselves