It’s becoming increasingly evident, as indicated by recent surveys and observations, that Christianity is declining in influence within our society. A recent YouTube video captured a street preacher conducting a survey, revealing a surprising number of individuals who no longer identify as Christian. This trend aligns with another study I came across this week, highlighting concerns about the rise of lawlessness and incivility in our culture, attributing it to a loss of virtue traditionally associated with Christianity.

The question arises: what’s a reasonable approach to address this decline? It might be simpler than we think. Many people today haven’t engaged with Scripture or are unfamiliar with the core tenets of Christianity. To enact any meaningful change, we must encourage widespread reading and contemplation of the Scriptures. Historically, Christianity played a vital role in fostering virtues among its followers, which contributed to the fabric of a free society. However, as the number of Christians dwindles, so does the prevalence of these shared values, leading to societal disintegration.

If we aspire to uphold the principles that once underpinned our freedom, it’s imperative to revive the virtues inherent in Christianity. Yet, virtue isn’t simply a set of rules; it’s a byproduct of a deepened relationship with God and an understanding of His teachings. Thus, alongside evangelization efforts, there’s a pressing need to promote Scripture reading and discussion. By reengaging with the Word of God, we can cultivate the virtues necessary for a flourishing society and ensure the preservation of our freedoms.