Overview of the Bahá’í Faith

The Bahá’í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá’u’lláh in the 19th century in Persia (modern-day Iran). It emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind and seeks to establish global peace and justice through the promotion of unity and equality. The Bahá’í Faith has approximately 5-7 million adherents worldwide, with significant communities in many countries.

Major Branches of the Bahá’í Faith

The Bahá’í Faith is relatively unified and does not have major branches or denominations like some other religions. The community is governed by a well-defined administrative structure that includes elected councils at the local, national, and international levels.

  1. Mainstream Bahá’í Faith
    • Overview: The majority of Bahá’ís adhere to the teachings and administrative order established by Bahá’u’lláh and continued by his successors: `Abdu’l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice.
    • Key Practices: Participation in the administrative order, observance of Bahá’í laws and holy days, and commitment to community-building activities.
  2. Covenant-breakers
    • Overview: Small groups and individuals who have been declared Covenant-breakers for opposing or rejecting the authority of the central Bahá’í institutions or leadership.
    • Key Practices: These groups do not have a significant following and are generally not recognized as legitimate by mainstream Bahá’ís.

Cardinal Doctrinal Beliefs

  1. Oneness of God
    • Definition: Belief in one, all-powerful, and unknowable God who is the source of all creation.
    • Significance: This monotheistic belief is central to the Bahá’í Faith and underscores the unity of all religious teachings.
  2. Oneness of Religion
    • Definition: The belief that all major religions come from the same divine source and are part of a single, progressive revelation.
    • Significance: This principle promotes religious harmony and the acceptance of all prophets and their teachings, including Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and Bahá’u’lláh.
  3. Oneness of Humanity
    • Definition: The belief in the fundamental unity and equality of all human beings, regardless of race, nationality, or gender.
    • Significance: This principle underpins efforts to eliminate prejudice and promote global peace and justice.
  4. Progressive Revelation
    • Definition: The belief that God reveals religious truth progressively over time through a series of prophets or manifestations.
    • Significance: Bahá’ís believe that Bahá’u’lláh is the latest in this line of divine messengers, bringing teachings suited for the modern age.
  5. Independent Investigation of Truth
    • Definition: The principle that individuals must seek truth independently and not blindly follow religious leaders or traditions.
    • Significance: Encourages personal spiritual growth and understanding.
  6. Elimination of Prejudice
    • Definition: The commitment to eliminating all forms of prejudice, including racial, religious, and gender-based discrimination.
    • Significance: This principle is essential for creating a just and peaceful global society.
  7. Equality of Men and Women
    • Definition: The belief in the full equality of men and women in all aspects of life.
    • Significance: This principle promotes social justice and the empowerment of women.
  8. Universal Education
    • Definition: The promotion of universal education for all people as a means of personal and societal development.
    • Significance: Education is seen as a key to achieving individual potential and social progress.
  9. Harmony of Science and Religion
    • Definition: The belief that true science and true religion are in harmony and that both are essential for human progress.
    • Significance: Encourages a balanced approach to understanding reality and solving problems.
  10. World Peace and Global Governance
    • Definition: The aspiration for world peace and the establishment of a global governance system that ensures justice and security for all nations.
    • Significance: Supports efforts towards international cooperation and the establishment of institutions that can manage global affairs equitably.
  11. Daily Prayer and Devotion
    • Definition: The practice of daily prayers and meditation to strengthen one’s relationship with God and foster spiritual growth.
    • Significance: Encourages personal devotion and discipline.
  12. Nineteen-Day Feast
    • Definition: A regular community gathering that includes spiritual, administrative, and social components, held every 19 days.
    • Significance: Strengthens community bonds and ensures the smooth functioning of local Bahá’í communities.

The Bahá’í Faith’s emphasis on unity, equality, and progressive revelation offers a comprehensive framework for addressing contemporary social issues and fostering global harmony. Its teachings continue to inspire millions to work towards a peaceful, just, and united world.