Posted 6/24/2024

Americans’ Theological Beliefs Change Post-Pandemic

Posted 6/13/2024

John MacArthur, Ben Shapiro talk Jesus, Christian nationalism | Podcast News

Posted 6/11/2024

If the Rise of the Nones is Over, What’s Next? – Lifeway Research

Is the Rise of Religious “Nones” Over? – Breakpoint

Gen Z most likely to reject traditional morality: poll | U.S. News

Posted 5/29/2004

George Barna identifies biggest threats facing the Church | Church & Ministries News

Pope draws accusations of heresy for saying humans are ‘good’ | World News

Many Who Call Themselves Evangelical Don’t Actually Hold Evangelical Beliefs – Lifeway Research

Posted before 5/28/2024

Surveys indicate a decline in Christian Faith

Christianity is in Freefall in 2024

When The Harvard Of Christian Schools Goes Woke

American Youth Are Rejecting Biblical Teaching

Attacks Against Churches Doubled In 2023

Biden Pledges to Shut Down The Country’s Largest Christian University

Only 6% of Americans Hold A Biblical Worldview

Christianity Is True, Not Just Helpful

Britains 1984 Moment

It is time to return to the basics